September 29, 2024

SsJA Walk-A-Thon Congratulates...

Lauren Simpson, First Place - TV

Jenora Fellisaaint, Second Place - iPad

Giana Mahedeo, Third Place - Beats Headphones

Ss. Joachim and Anne School would like to thank Gregory Coty, a former graduate of Ss. Joachim and Anne, and the son of Deacon Coty, for being an outstanding supporter of our Walk-A-Thon to raise money for the school. He is the dedicated supervisory facilitator for Amazon. The Amazon truck came filled with bags of gifts for all the children, teachers and staff as well as drinks and snacks for the children as they walked around the parking lot. Amazon also provided the top 3 prizes which included a flat screen TV for the highest fundraiser. Many blessings to Gregory and his hard-working team, and of course, Amazon. Have a safe and peaceful week. 

Starting Point - On your mark, get ready, GO!
Students completing their final walk!!!

Mrs. Cullinan and Gregory Coty 

 Students receiving their Sling Bags